Pictured, yours truly in the daisy crown I bought in Jackson Square and wore on a magical day in New Orleans just two weeks ago (an essay is forthcoming about that, perhaps*). I paired it with a top that an old boyfriend bought me in the Mexican jungle, while adventuring on an archeological dig there. I have always been lucky to have such lovely old boyfriends. Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice, the official first day of summer, and then, this weekend, followed by one of the brightest full moons of the year, a "Supermoon." What does it all mean? That we live in a beautiful world, governed by natural cycles, all of which is worth at least the attention that we give social media on an average day. After many years of wishing to slow down, I finally am, and at the end of the month, I'll be retiring to the countryside to garden, drink tea, and read novels until the fall. I'll pass back through New York on July 11th to launch a lunchtime book group at India House, and take part in the Chocolates For Breakfast re-launch of the 1956 coming-of-age classic at Housing Works that night. From there, I'll be traveling a bit (an author's milestone birthday weekend in the Berkshires, visiting family and friends in Texas in July, a society wedding in England in August) and doing strategic consultations for clients, and planning for the future. Whatever that brings. I fully welcome it all, with a big heart and open arms.
[*Updated, 6/28: "Aphrodite and the Hundred Years Rule."]