How do you take notes? Mine cross the page in a whorl, as though I were hurriedly sketching a map of the arrondissements of Paris. It works for me. Elaborate spreadsheets have never been my thing. I move too fast for static data. A big notebook I can write ideas down in for a while is ideal, otherwise I scrawl unforgettables on hotel stationery I keep in a stack on my kitchen table. Earlier this week I had lunch with my friend Laura Kellner, from Kikkerland, who was kind enough to bring me notebooks from Leuchtturm 1917, a new partner. I especially love the white one, which I plan to take to Los Angeles with me for work next week (The Los Angeles Times is flipping over DIRTY BABY, which premieres at LACMA 10/7). It matches the oversized Balenciaga tote I use for luggage, doncha know. Right now I'm off to meet novelist extraordinaire Anne Landsman at the Smile in NoHo. Ta.