I read this book about "vibes" on my way back to New York Monday and it was all about developing your intuition and the basic message was: sleep, eat, and take care of yourself and your ability to sense what's going on will be materially improved.
This morning I slept in and went to Cheeky's for breakfast. The first time I went there I rushed in because, after passing by for a couple weeks, I'd had a dream that it was too crowded and I woke up freaked out that it was true. So I rushed down there and it was the usual breezy scene but now they're in New York magazine and the owner always says, my dream is coming true.
Then I went to run some errands and as I was walking back to my place, I took a right on Broome Street and there was Karl Lagerfeld shooting photos on the corner (almost the same spot where Teen Fashionista and I sat in the window of Babycakes and watched "Date Night" being filmed). I liked that even though he had an entourage of assistants, he was taking his own pictures.
And so I've been following the "vibes" plan of chilling out because that's where inspiration comes from, in my life. David Lynch, when he did "Upstairs at the Square," talked about meditation being an integral source of creativity. I heard a panel of authors speak last week and several of them emphasized how important it was to sit at a desk and type. "The muse doesn't come to you when you're out sitting in a field." Funny, that's where I meet her.
Previously: I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, Vibrancy in Thought and Action.