The new edition of The Smart Set is at, including a political salon in Brooklyn that is one of my events this week! It's the usual mix of things I plan to stop by and wishful thinking, e.g. WEEKEND: I’ll be in Omaha for the (downtown) Lit Fest, and as such, can think of little else but Omahype and fretting about which heels will be best on the cobblestones of the Old Market and where to get a copy of Zuleika Dobson for the plane... What else have I been up to? Lots of lunches now that I'm back in town with exciting projects to discuss. Lately, I've been to Good World with Bud Parr, Little Giant with the ladies of LUNCH (!), Cafe Gitane with Ms. Jones (so charmingly in the news) today; tomorrow I've got a hot date for breakfast and parties to attend at the Museum of Sex and the Lotos Club later on this week. After that, I look forward to sleeping on the plane!