Things related to my PR projects and such are smashingly good this week:
Roxana Robinson's COST is out just two weeks and already in its second printing (if you find a first edition, hold onto it!). The Wall Street Journal calls COST "summer reading of uncommon stature" and The New York Times Book Review praises it as "unusual for being as plot-driven as it is character-driven" and for "final words, which made me catch my breath..." Roxana also contributed a 'Book Notes' playlist to Largehearted Boy.
BLESS at Ludlow 38 is highlighted in The New York Post's "Haute List" today, as well as on fashion insiders' source, JC Report, and Sunday Styles' PULSE section in The New York Times.
July's edition of "Upstairs at the Square" will feature Aimee Mann and Joseph O'Neill on the 31st.
Plus, you can still sign up for "Innovative Publicity Basics," an online workshop that costs twenty dollars and is open to all, which I'll be conducting via email for two weeks starting July 1. I also discussed effective promotion for cultural projects with Kassia Krozser of Booksquare earlier this week for an upcoming podcast, so I'll let you know when that's online. And I'll be speaking in person at the Backspace Writers Conference in August here in New York.