Things I have learned in the past 72 hours:
1. People, men especially, are very enthusiastic about my new black leather hood by Kostas Murkudis from Project No. 8 (it's sort of Rudi Gernreich meets Betty Catroux, I suppose), high heels and Carnal Flower. See also: Every moment, and Payless, is full of surprises.
2. One day in yoga class (possibly, but probably not, tomorrow), I will do "Sideways Crow." Why? Because I have always loved crows.
3. Emailing with friends is nice, but it's even more enchanting to see them/you in person. And, work-wise, it's doubly charming to have so many reasons to look forward to Monday and the start of an exciting week! See you Tuesday? Come and have a drink with me, pretty please.
4. I love literature; like, I WANT TO MARRY IT. My sister told me this afternoon that she admired my ability to "get lost in a book for an hour," which she says never happens to her, and I was like, "Get a good book." I'm so deeply enamored of the projects I publicize; each one has bewitched me for a lifetime. Not too long ago, my pal Marco linked to a post where people added meaningful lines. I like the ones that I remember for no particular reason at all; just the idea that my brain has chosen to store such utterly random bits of information makes me laugh. For instance, today I recalled, from Black Swan Green (which I read for pleasure, not work, while out in the country last year): "Dawn Madden’s got cruel eyes like a Chinese empress and sometimes one glimpse at school makes me think about her all day." Or similar. Can you top it?
Pictured: Yours truly, front & center, at Janice's event at Bluestockings on Friday night.