This week's parfait pairings for yr literary sommelier mood:
Amanda Stern's Happy Ending Reading Series + Robert Marshall reading from A Separate Reality + also, as the required "risk," sharing a deliciously wry interpretation of the Pussycat Dolls' Don't Cha that had tears in my eyes + the astonishly fine musical stylings of Paul Brill who manages to sing about love in a way that is both intellectual and heartfelt at the same time, which suits my current mood = goes nicely with a Mr. Ginger from the house cocktails menu.
Taking my favorite Chinatown car service to Williamsburg + Katherine Lanpher reading an essay from Leap Days + remembering what it's like to come here for the first time + illicit smokes on the deck at Pete's Candy Store + Vince Passaro reading from his novel-in-progress about dropping acid and collegiate self-discovery in '70s New York = nothing but an American Beauty (highlight: rose juice, I think) followed by a Juniper and Berries (highlight: cloves) will do.