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Great entry & interview. I am trying to get in touch with Stephen Lance. A chapter of a book I'm writing talks about Yolk in relation to its portrait of a resistant and savvy position on sexuality and disability. I am giving a talk in Vienna in May in which I will talk about his film, and would very much like to be able to show a clip of his work at that point. Stephen, if you are willing, would you contact me at [email protected]? Thank you--Yolk is a wonderful film.

Great entry & interview. I am trying to get in touch with Stephen Lance. A chapter of a book I'm writing talks about Yolk in relation to its portrait of a resistant and savvy position on sexuality and disability. I am giving a talk in Vienna in May in which I will talk about his film, and would very much like to be able to show a clip of his work at that point. Stephen, if you are willing, would you contact me at [email protected]? Thank you--Yolk is a wonderful film.

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